Descartes Versus Inception

In Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes believes that one cannot dream about something unless he or she has experienced it before. For example, in the movie Inception, the main character Cobb, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, struggles with determining wether he is dreaming or awake. When in doubt, Cobb uses a spinning top, which originally belonged to his deceased wife Mal, to justify what is real or not. Unfortunately, he has a hard time achieving his goal because his wife haunts Cobb’s mind and disrupts his missions. His main goal is to use a team of scientists to use dreams to implant an idea in Robert Fischer’s mind. They are trying to convince Robert Fischer to break up his father’s empire to save Cobb from going to jail. During the dream, Mal tries to convince Cobb to stay in a demilitarized zone with her. This makes him question reality by bringing back events that happened while he was awake. Cobb then admits that he had originally implanted the idea in Mal’s mind to wake up from her dreams, which makes him responsible for her suicide. Therefore, she tries to attack him but is then shot by one of his scientists. Cobb not knowing the difference between what is real or not, takes her death, for the second time, to heart. As this was going on, Fischer is confronted by his father. His father wanted him to be his own man from the start, which is why he was always so hard on him growing up. After they were done with their mission, Cobb eventually relocates everyone and tells them they all need to return to reality before it is too late. Then they would all be stuck in the dream world and would not know the difference between what is real or fake, just like Mal. Suddenly, he wakes up to find everyone up and well. His arrangements were honored and finally returns home to his children. In the end, Cobb spins his spinning top to test reality. However, he is distracted by his family’s reunion to see whether he is still dreaming or not. Sometimes the dream world can be real. Everything Cobb dreams about he has experienced before. “However, pain is felt in his dreams, but death results in awakening.” (Inception). Descartes makes a valid point when he is explaining how one’s senses can be deceived. In the movie Inception, the sensory experiences or beliefs are false. For example, when Descartes compares a house to one’s beliefs and senses, he symbolizes the boards of the house to one’s beliefs and the foundation of the house to one’s senses. When one wants new beliefs, or to start over, they would need to tear down the house and build a new one. In order to do so, one must tear the foundation down. Unfortunately, that would take a long time. However, it is the most effective process when wanting to start over in life. The foundation equals our senses. Therefore, one needs to get rid of our senses, the foundation, because it is extremely deceiving. That would easily help bring Cobb back to reality.


About hibakreidie

My name is Hiba Kreidie. I am 18 years old. A freshmen at Houston Baptist. & I love to laugh. (:
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3 Responses to Descartes Versus Inception

  1. lanierjn says:

    I really liked your post and it is a true example of what Descartes it trying to convey to us through his writings. No matter what you try to use as a way to prove reality as being real it is not always the best way to test it. Although you have spent your whole life living one way when you find something that changes just one belief it seems to rock you down to your core. It is always those events in life that seem to make you question everything you believe in, but there are also time in which you need to have something question your beliefs so that you can build a house based on your own reason. This usually happens when you first move out of your parents house and begin to live on your own but for some it doesn’t happen if you build your own beliefs whole growing up.

  2. munozrichard says:

    I would agree with you in saying we can not dream about something unless we experience it first and i like the way you compared this to the movie Inception which was a very good movie and I agree that it goes along with what Descartes is trying to say and it makes people wonder if they are awake or are they just in a dream and you could have also compared it to the matrix were people think they are living their lives but really they are just programs of a computer system so you make some really good points in explain what Descartes was trying to prove about using your mind to figure out wether something is real instead of using your senses

  3. I like your comparison of Inception to Descartes’ ideas. There whole world was in their mind, just like Descartes said. But with Inception, there was no “evil demon” deceiving the person, making them think that their world was real. They were simply deceiving themselves. Moll convinced herself that her dream world was the real world instead of believing the truth, that it was all a lie. I think Descartes would say that that is what we do when we accept our world without question. However, we should not question it so much that we end up killing ourselves to escape (duh). Anyway, good post.

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